1. Convener at 2nd International Research Conference on Business Process Re-engineering for Sustainability and Climate Change: Issues & Perspectives at Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi on 26th Feb 2017.
2. Guest Editor of special session on “Computational Intelligence Applications for Data Sciences" in 2nd International Conference on Data Management, Analysis and Innovation at IICMR, Pune. Proceeding will be published by SPRINGER.
3. Guest Editor of special session on “Parallel and Distributed Network-Based Computing System” in 2017 1st IEEE International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies for Smart Nation at GD Goenka University, Haryana. Proceedings will be published by IEEE Xplore.
4. Reviewer in some SCI indexed Journals like “Cluster Computing” under SPRINGER.
5. Session Chair at 3rd International Research Conference on Entrepreneurship & Sustainability: A Skill India Perspective at Indian Federation of United Nation Association (IFUNA), Delhi on 16th July 2017.
6. Session Chair at 2nd International Research Conference on Business Process Re-engineering for Sustainability and Climate Change: Issues & Perspectives at Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi on 26th Feb 2017.
7. Life member ship of Vibha India.
8. Have designed numerous government Computer Engineering MCQ papers for Kolkatta based UMC TECHNOLOGIES (P) LIMITED (professionally managed Data Processing and Government exam conduction house) and also have helped them to locate many examination centers for efficient conduction of government exams. Also helped them to construct an expert panel for engineering based government jobs at Jabalpur with some experts from MAIT also in 2010.
9. Member of Technical Program Committee (TPC) in various International and National Conferences.
10. Peer reviewer in 3rd International Conference on Next Generation Computing Technologies (NGCT-2017), University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, India, Oct 30-31, 2017. (Springer through easy chair)
11. Session Chair and Reviewer for IEEE International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation (ICCCA 2016), Galgotias University Campus, Greater Noida, India, April 29-30, 2016
12. Session Chair and Reviewer for IEEE International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation (ICCCA 2017), Galgotias University Campus, Greater Noida, India, May 5-6, 2017
13. Worked as Mentor and judge for NASA organized Space Apps Hackathon 2017.
14. Guest Lecture at JIMS Rohini on Network security.
15. Seminar for final year students along with project coordination team in 2016 on research methodologies/ Project Development.
16. Guest lecture on NS2 along with Anupam Kumar at CSE, MAIT.
17. Have taken guest lecture for MCA and M. Tech students at PCTI, Pitampura on Computer graphics and Multimedia.
18. Have taken guest lecture on Parallel Computing at PCTI for M. Tech. students.
19. Have guided MCA and M Tech projects.
1. Guest lecture on Network Security at JIMS Rohini, Delhi.
2. Have taken guest lecture on Parallel Computing at PCTI for M. Tech. students.
3. Have taken guest lecture for MCA students at PCTI on Computer graphics and Multimedia.
4. Have taken seminar on research methodologies/ Project Development for 8th semester students.
5. Have taken seminar on NS2 simulator at CSE, MAIT.
FDP/ Workshop/’s Attended:
i) Attended a “Course on Wireless Sensor Networks” as a part of Indo-US Engineering Faculty Leadership Institute (IUCEE-FLI) from July 5-9, 2013 at Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Solan. H.P., India.
ii) Attended a workshop on "Network Security" held on 2 June 2012 by Mr. Suman
Chakravorty, Technical Consultant, NIIT Technology.
3. Two day workshop on “NS2 – Network simulation tool” held on 6–7 June 2012 by Mr. Neeraj Garg and Ms. Pooja Gupta.
4. Attended a One day workshop on “Flash Animation” held on 7 August 2012 by Mr. Farzil Kidwai (Faculty MAIT).
5. Attended a FDP was conducted by CSE dept. in association with Network Bulls, India's leading CCIE (R&S), CCIE Security, CCIE Voice boot camp and expert Cisco Training Provider.
6. Attended a two-Day Faculty Development Programme on the topic “Emerging Trends in Networks and IoT” on 6-7 June 2017 in Room no. 114.
7. Attended a five-day Faculty Development Programme on the topic "Big Data and Machine Learning" from 10/07/2017 to 14/07/2017 at CSE, MAIT.
8. Attended Workshop on Cloud Computing at MSIT, GGSIPU in 2013.
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops attended
1. National Conference on “Technology for Rural India: Challenges and Perspective” sponsored by ISTE at NSIT, Delhi on 31st May 2008.
2. International Conference on “Innovative Technologies: Research and Development in Science, Technology and Management”, ICIT 2009.
3. International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN), held at University of Calcutta, Kolkatta, West Bengal, India, from 03-06 January 2010.
4 Attended International Conference on Parallel Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC 2012, IEEE explorer) JUIT, Solan, 2012.
5. 2nd International Research Conference on “Business Process Re-engineering for Sustainability and Climate Change: Issues & Perspectives”, at JNU, Delhi on 26th Feb 2017.
6. One-day workshop on “Preparing Future-Ready Generation through Skill Enhancement” at Hotel Lalit, Delhi on 9th June 2017.
7. Third International Research Conference on “Entrepreneurship & Sustainability: A Skill India Perspectives” at IFUNA, Delhi on 16th July 2017.